IVI, awarded by the SRI, for a study on ovarian rejuvenation

The study, directed by the IVI President, Prof. Antonio Pellicer, has been conducted by IVI in cooperation with the University Hospital La Fe in Valencia (Spain). Within the framework of the 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI), Anna Buigues, who cooperates with Dr Herraiz at IVI, was the researcher who collected the prize. The SRI-Pfizer Award has been recognizing the best 25 papers presented by researchers in training since 1996.

Prof. Pellicer states that, “the process of ageing and the oncological treatments influence the ovarian function, however, even when ovaries lose their ability to ovulate, residual dormant follicles remain, which can be rescued to continue growth. Ovarian rejuvenation represents the present and the future of assisted reproductive technologies; therefore, it is an important priority for IVI. We are currently developing several research lines to reverse this ovarian aging process, with spectacular results”.

IVI, in cooperation with the University Hospital La Fe, has made great advances in the field of ovarian rejuvenation by using two techniques, the Ovarian Fragmentation for
Follicular Activation (OFFA) and the infusion of Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells (BMDSC). Both techniques, which are being studied through various research projects, have shown that ovarian rejuvenation is now a reality for patients, including both low responders to ovarian stimulation and patients with premature ovarian failure. IVI has already obtained several spontaneous pregnancies thanks to the application of these techniques.

IVI is the leading pioneer in the study of restoration of the ovarian function in humans, as Anna Buigues explained, “the first phase of the study was conducted using an animal model with ovarian failure and low response to ovarian stimulation, whereas the subsequent phases were developed in human patients. We initially worked with low responders; however, we have started to research on women with premature ovarian failure. We find ourselves facing a promising future for our patients. I am so proud to be part of this team and of course, I feel honored to have received the prestigious award from a major organization such as SRI”.